Embracing AI in industry

Infusing artificial intelligence (AI) into manufacturing processes can significantly improve both quality and productivity.

Deakin University’s Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A²I²) is heavily involved in five core areas of industry: advanced manufacturing and mining; decision support systems; health and AI; education technologies; and defence and cybersecurity.

Prof. Rajesh Vasa, who specialises in building robust AI infused technology at A²I², is set to take part in the Geelong Manufacturing Council’s Technology and Innovation Summit in April.

A²I² collaborates with leading manufacturers including Geelong’s world-leading carbon fibre wheel maker Carbon Revolution where it investigates how AI models can learn complex mapping between X-Ray and ultrasonic data.

The approach aims to show that this can be done using low-cost, portable devices, saving time and resources.

“The manufacturing industry can significantly improve both quality and productivity when AI is infused into their processes, Prof. Vasa says.

“Recent advances and breakthroughs show high value via use of optimisation to reduce waste, identify better flows that eliminate rework, and assist via a continuous product quality improvement.”

Industry collaborations involves a significant portion of the work undertaken at A²I².

The institute can demonstrate the use of AI via pilot projects, and upskill staff in the manufacturing sector to take advantage of recent breakthroughs in AI.

Examples of the institute’s work includes:

Advancing dementia education: In collaboration with Dementia Australia, A²I² created Talk With Ted, an industry-leading digital training avatar. So far, the tool has educated approximately 1000 people since launch and has proven that digital avatar technology can educate carers in a number of key areas. This includes practicing good communication skills, adopting a person-centred approach when caring for people living with dementia, and a better understanding of the behaviours associated with dementia.

Reducing errors in hospital trauma bays: We developed a world-first decision-support system for the Trauma Bay at the Alfred Hospital that helps save lives. Known as the Trauma Reception and Resuscitation (TRR) system, it has proved that the introduction of concurrent, computer-aided decision support for experienced trauma teams results in improved protocol compliance and reduced errors. Currently in use in Australia, India, China and Saudi Arabia.

Improving information retrieval (context aware search): In collaboration with the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), we are developing an intelligent search engine that takes relevant context into account. This assists users in swiftly finding the most relevant results with the least amount of effort.

Re-open.com: In 2021, SaniteX Global partnered with A²I² to create re-open.com, a web-based platform that helps businesses reopen and remain open. A²I² developed several products for the platform, including the Smart Analytical Model (SAM). SAM is a regulation-aware tool that uses both machine learning (ML) and algorithms to automate obtaining Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for businesses

The Technology and Innovation Summit is at GMHBA Stadium on April 21.

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